How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.


YOU ARE BRAVE and BOLD and INCREDIBLE! You wouldn’t be bothering to read this otherwise. 

My spiritual teacher heard this question early one morning. Do you want to be happy for the rest of your life? Yes, of course. These are the words she heard. 

“If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, give up being
perfect or right.” Marcia Dale Lopez


Here are four things that magnify Imposter Syndrome


My friend called me a perfectionist. When I got over the initial shock, I replied that I was pretty easy going and was not a perfectionist. He asked me to take a closer look. I did.  

This is what I found.

I noticed I was constantly putting myself down for not getting it quite right. Any mistake I made, no matter how big or small, was ammunition for punishment. Who knew! I was a perfectionist. 

This was a long time ago. Fortunately, I understood and appreciated the confrontation. What a blessing.  Don’t get me wrong I still want to do the very best I can at all times. I don’t succeed. I am ok. 

I embrace my imperfections and even laugh about the way I act when I’m in that mode. I get to love myself through it all. 

Don’t waste your life trying to get it perfect. There is no such thing. I have learned way more from the mistakes than I could from perfection. This is a gift that cannot be taken from you.

Take a couple of minutes and write 3 profound things you have gained by not getting it perfect. 

Let this be your guiding light to keep going. Be real, and fabulously you, imperfections and all. 

Judging me, judging you

Have you ever thought someone was judging or angry at you just to find it wasn’t true? I know I have. Do you judge yourself for every little thing? 

We all get caught in the trap of there’s something wrong with me, or there’s something wrong with you. 

I’m here to tell you there isn’t. There is nothing wrong with you. You haven’t done anything wrong. If you could have done it better, you would have. If they could have done it better, they would have. 

It’s time to stop judging and start loving YOU!!! Practice freeing yourself from comparison and doubt. You will create the space to be your own best fan and release negative thoughts about yourself. Your energy of self-love will enable tolerance for others as well.

Caught up in being right.

One of the conversations I rarely (if ever) indulge in, is the one that is focused on “I’m right” and you are wrong. There are many different ways to look at anything. 

You will have a lot more pain by your commitment to being right. Gossip, conflict, separation, sadness and justification will permeate your world. 

Your imposter syndrome will grow because you are focused on what’s wrong with you rather than what’s right. 

If you hear yourself gossiping about someone, stop. Reflect on what is bothering you. Ask yourself if it matters. Is it true? Do I really need to be right? Is there an action to take?

Now focus on the great qualities you express. Have an open mind. Love yourself through the process.  

Are you?

  • Happy

  • Healthy

  • Kind

  • Open

  • Loving

  • Sincere

  • Honest 

  • Understanding

  • Spiritual

  • Intelligent

  • Trustworthy 

  • Generous  

What words come to you? Make your own list. Be your strengths and qualities and you will stop feeling like an imposter.  

How would you treat a right, wrong conversation differently if you were the expression of your best qualities? 

Undervaluing your gifts

An artist, a medium and a genius. These are just some of the people I’ve helped overcome their sense of self-worth. 

Doubt and fear say…

  • Don’t think you’re all that
    I shouldn’t charge that much
    I don’t know what I’m doing

You compare yourself to basically everyone. 

There is only one of you in the entirety of time. Show us who you are. Embrace your gifts. Share them with us.   

When you are caught up in being perfect, right, judging or denying your gifts, you spend your time feeling like a fraud.  

When you embrace yourself just as you are, you start to see and hear your unique gifts and talents. You will start to be acknowledged for all that you are. You will end the fear of being wrong or doing something wrong.

You will be the best you!

Are you ready to live a life you love?

Feeling like a fraud? Want more confidence? Ready to step into your power? Want to be happy, healthy and live a life you love? Claim your super self by grabbing our free Be Bold, Be Brave, Be You workbook here.


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